Cyber Stalking | Blackmail:
The keyboard is mightier than a gun in todays society. Are private photos being distributed to your contacts and loved ones by an unknown “online” presence? Your income is suddenly in jeopardy because of a silly mistake? Anonymous entities feel emboldened when they feel they are out of reach. The Hudson Forensic Group can level the playing field. We can assist by tracing your incident back to the source. We are also willing to work with law enforcement during instances where you have reported the incident and feel you are not getting the service you deserve or need. Reach out to us via our contact us page and we will review and answer your email within 24 hours of receipt.
Business Intelligence:
Need a competitive edge? Require extensive research on a lagging facet of your company? Bad ratings bumping into your earnings? Allow our Intelligence officer to reveal the evasive data you require to right the wrongs. From intake to executive summary, we have you covered. Our owner has conducted and managed intelligence collection operations around the globe. From analyzing advanced intelligence collection anomalies to sorting through the “noise” to compose a concentrated summary, chances are, we have encountered the reason you are calling.
Narrow Scope Collection
This separates our shop from the rest. We will only provide accurate, verified data and do not backfill our collection or reports with “fluff”. Simply put, we utilize the provided selectors and gather enough data to satisfy the request. From court authorized collection to scrapes involving management, we ensure the concentrated data you need will be delivered in a timely manner.
Dark Web Monitoring
Our Firm has thrived in this environment for the last decade. We specialized in building products to “pull back the curtain” on cyber threat actors. With experience comes insight. Our data collection in this realm has allowed us to notify U.S business and critical infrastructure way before they found out the hard way. Many partners are grateful for our collection efforts to this day. If you are looking to start a preemptive cyber program, you came to the right place.